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With no room left on the cuffs of my shirt, my heart places itself
neatly on the light brown irises of my eyes, flashing my weakened
spirit at anyone brave enough to catch my gaze.  Head down, I focus on
my teeth, trying to prepare a smile behind my pursed lips.  My mind is
consumed by the reality of life, running deeper than the beauty I am
able to present – running deeper than the tears that stream down my
face each night.  Weakened, disheartened, and restless, cynicism flows
through every vein in my body and every breath within my lungs.  Tears
welling up beneath the heart I wear so appropriately on my eyes, I
finally look into the eyes that will not look away from me; seeing a
reflection of my own weariness, my smile finally feels sincere.
Looking away, I attempt to push my anguish deep into my gut – to keep
my vulnerability from shining through.  Eyes remaining on me, I am
torn between a feeling of weakness and a feeling of security.
Returning the gaze once again, my smile remains just as sincere, but
grows to show more teeth.  Taking my hand in his, the loneliness
within my heart dissipates, as does the welling of tears within my
eyes.  My heart is able to descend back to its home, right above my
lungs that have released their last sighs of negativity.